
  • My Last... Big Sean has a nice little hook but it's a short band song and it's confused if it wants to be a ballad or bangin...


    but really; this is a topic that was created already I thought? most people said wait another month or so before really deciding.. I agree with that more lol



    This will be a beast of a song to drill to.

    • This sound like a song SU is gonna drill to.
      • Fits our style perfectly.
    • Damn, i really like this ....Im bought to write this right now... ill finish this other one later!!!
    • bcu would sound good playing this.....

  • This..................


    • We (Bama State) actually played this this past season. I was like the only person who knew what it was and actually liked the song though lol.


      • yeah.. nobody knew it but theres a few that got the joke.. lol
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