
  • Like the Alcorn fight video. It and the other sports/news was taken down because it was in the video section. I would have left that up if it was in the forum. The Video section  "Band related video only" section. 

    Anything pretty much is fair game on the forum.unless it's like extra "Not safe for work"
    Generally, This thread relates to band directors, staff or parents asking me to remove content. 
    There's an unfairness to it, but I don't wanna burn bridges, #noatl 

    Considering folks in bands and dance teams are being told to stay off of this site.. that's kind of messed up.

    BAND/MUSIC said:

    Even if its on the news and assessable to the public?? Cause I have posted news videos of a particular school which was removed. While the other news videos about others schools were not. Its kind of unfair to limit such information (and freedom) just for the sake of saving face. 

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