
  • We live in America. Someone, somewhere has a problem with anything you do.

  • .@chris- lmaooo ikr? but seriously, this is something that irks me!
  • People tend to dislike things they are ignorant about.  The same could be said about many people in corps-style bands when they judge or assume what showbands do.  People need to be exposed and educated on the different styles.
  • people are simple  minded i marched in both.  I know both style tend tend to bias toward each other. Its just a prefernce, I loved both styles and I marched both but i always love showband over corestyle bands cause they sound good plus they are very entertaining. The corestyle band is a band that support the football team although many in corestyle bands may believe pregame, botb, and the 5th qaurter stupid they want like it unless they know the art of it. vice versa person in sowstyle band which many corestyle band directors use the tem highsteeping band to describe them instead, tend to be biase on showstyle.  I love both and respect both. Their both unique one  prefers compitions , while other prefesr botb to showcase talents. Its a preference
  • ...nothing if you're a great corps style band.
  • I personally think core style bands are boring to watch, while showstyle bands play crowd favorite songs, cpre style bands play more classical pieces or whatever and it can end up being very boring after awhile. Of course thats just my opinion
  • Bcuz most people n our culture hav a hard time relating with corp style bands. They dont put much emphasis on popular music or dancing. Seemed to b more concerned with the technical aspect of band while show style is concerned with entertaining their audience with music n a show they can relate to. I like NSU bcuz we dip n2 the best of both.
  • I marched in both and its nothing really wrong with it... it just show ppl interest into what type of marching.... when i was in corps many will tell me "its not real music","it give a bad image", or my favorite " we dont need that booty shaking music in our folders"..... yes they both are being biased to one another because they never experince a different type of marching and ppl or BD are putting negative thoughts in they head....
  • FYI folks... Its "corps" pronounced core, no "sssssssssssss"
  • Royal plays nothing but Corps bands throughout the football season..aint nothing wrong with them. I have seen Corps bands get down and dance n what not but what makes it different from show bands. Everyone looks the same in that band because that are taught to look uniform...not saying we dont teach that either.....but Those kids tend to take more pride in their music because they do have a very diverse book. One school we played, i believe it was Caldwell, played 2 marches on us from the beginning and then brought out the pop stuff and then came back to the classical and corps music for UIL.


    Most show band students find it a problem because they do not show the same energy on the field. But both bands take pride in what they do and thats what alot of people fail to see.


    I'll use Willowridge in this of the few bands i have seen do both styles and be great at both not only because of Mr. Thorton. But because the kids wanted to be the best in everything. Show band, Corps band, Symphonic, Classical, Jazz, everything!!!! and they basically were. I have never been inside their bandhall but i would bet they got more Sweepstakes Trophies then most regular Corps bands! All these kids need is a lick of all the worlds and only then will everyone appreciate the arts.



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