
  • section leaders should exhibit skills that puts him on a level right above his/her section. The section, however, should strive to be as good as their section leaders. The level of leadership is what should determine section leaders, as well as skill. But if your trumpet section leader can play 12 major and someone else can play all 12 and a minor than there's nothing wrong with that. The person playing the extra minor could be showing up to practice late.
  • Yes and no cause sometimes the best player does not  know how to teach someone to be better than what they are! some feel like since they are the best they dont have to do everything cause they feel like the others need to catch up!  but if they have the discipline and know how to "mold" their section then by all means make them sec. leader
  • deffinitley

  • All good players aren't good leaders so i say they don't have to be the best player in the section but they must exhibit very strong leadership skills and be able to play the basics. Now if the best player also has leadership skills that's a great combination but the best player doesn't have to be the section leader. I know many great players that couldn't lead sections.
  • he or she should be one of (if not) the best players in the section and also (if not) the best LEADER in the section. People shouldn't put so much emphasis on just ONE person being section leader.


    It takes the whole section build up the crabs to become part of the section. Like they say....


    "It takes a whole village to raise a child"

  • Section leader isnt about how good they are a player. It's about how good they are a leader and who respects their section the most

  • You don't want to many to have say so lol. Disaster lmao

    TBoneSuave said:

    he or she should be one of (if not) the best players in the section and also (if not) the best LEADER in the section. People shouldn't put so much emphasis on just ONE person being section leader.


    It takes the whole section build up the crabs to become part of the section. Like they say....


    "It takes a whole village to raise a child"

    Do you think the section Leader should be the best player in the section? Post why or why not.
    I Really am interested in the answers and will post my view later.
  • LoL yeh you right....good to have alot of leaders but one in charge if ya know what i mean

    RJ1919 said:
    You don't want to many to have say so lol. Disaster lmao

    TBoneSuave said:

    he or she should be one of (if not) the best players in the section and also (if not) the best LEADER in the section. People shouldn't put so much emphasis on just ONE person being section leader.


    It takes the whole section build up the crabs to become part of the section. Like they say....


    "It takes a whole village to raise a child"

    Do you think the section Leader should be the best player in the section? Post why or why not.
    I Really am interested in the answers and will post my view later.
  • To some degree, everybody in the section is a leader by example.


    But to be the section leader, one doesn't HAVE TO be the best player on their instrument in the entire section.  But it is imperative for the section leader to know enough to be a good leader.


    I'm certain there are/were many section leaders in bands who weren't the best players.  But as long as they met the qualifications to lead, then it was all good.


    I'm also certain there were some off the chain players in sections, who just weren't qualified to lead/teach a section...but they played their roles, and it was all good. 


    Bottom line...being a section leader doesn't require you to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST player in the section.  There may be some skills and techniques that you can learn from your own peers in your section.  Hell, a crab might be able to teach a SL a thing or two.  That's all long as the leader meets the qualifications.

  • so true, but you always have that one person that takes the lead.

    TBoneSuave said:

    he or she should be one of (if not) the best players in the section and also (if not) the best LEADER in the section. People shouldn't put so much emphasis on just ONE person being section leader.


    It takes the whole section build up the crabs to become part of the section. Like they say....


    "It takes a whole village to raise a child"

    Do you think the section Leader should be the best player in the section? Post why or why not.
    I Really am interested in the answers and will post my view later.
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