The principal at Aliceville High School has canceled our band program because of a back ground check. All other athletic departments are still in tact. There are more behavior problems on the football team and cheerleader squad than the band combined. These so called problem band members got into trouble LAST SEMESTER. I can name a whole bunch of football players that got into a fight with each other and are still playing football. I can have one football player arrested right now if I wanted too. But if they still remain on the team then our entire band will take DRASTIC MEASURE!!! Our principal said we can continue our band lessons and practices to be prepared for next year. So is our principal right or wrong.? Because if she does a background check on the football team; there won't be one. Tell me is she wrong or right for terminating our band for the season for a few behavior problems and none of the other fall athletic departments are getting the same treatment?

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  • alright let me put it to u like this man ---- do people (adults) come and PAY ($$$$$) to see the band or the football team? its all about what makes money. school admins see a marching band as more of a expense than an asset. if a football player and a band member get into a fight , if the football team is good the band member suffers more punishment. real talk
  • bring it up with the board and be proffesional....but don't my young brother drag others down to uplift yourself...( crabs in a barrel mentality.)....what purpose does it serve to get the football players in trouble....theres no satisfaction in vindictiveness (sp)...if you get enough voices together your board will listen
  • I'm sorry to hear about your situation. There are a lot of things that aren't mentioned that probably are weighing heavier than the background check. 1. Who is the certified band instructor for that school? This is a fight your BD and parents should be fighting. Is your BD certified or a long term sub?? That questions answersmy other questions about funding allocations, blah, blah. 2. IF the BD is a certified teacher THEN, how many students are actually registered in a band class to warrant having a band program. In most districts, in most states, the BD is actually hired to teach the band classes (during the day), marching band is extra-curricular and offers supplements....but it's just that, supplemental to the teaching contract. 3. Is the marching band (as an extra-curricular activity) under the athletic department or fine arts dept? Once you get answers/suggestions to these questions, then you go before the principal and school board...WITH YOUR PARENTS!!! I can't stress that last part enough. I hope that helps, I'll be cheering for you all
  • Well right now the football team is not hitting on nothing. We haven't won a state championship since 2000. So of course they are coming to see the band; especially last year. Last year our band made band of the week two times in a row.

    Drill_Master 318 said:
    alright let me put it to u like this man ---- do people (adults) come and PAY ($$$$$) to see the band or the football team? its all about what makes money. school admins see a marching band as more of a expense than an asset. if a football player and a band member get into a fight , if the football team is good the band member suffers more punishment. real talk
    The principal at Aliceville High School has canceled our band program because of a back ground check. All other athletic departments are still in tac…
  • Our bd from last year had to leave because he didn't have what he needed to teach in the state of Alabama. So we have a temp bd. He is also fighting with us to keep the program afloat. They won't let us students in on the meeting at all. We are starting a petition soon. Right now us students are thinking of ways to get our voices heard. Our superintendent doesn't really care for our school that much. Even though we are the biggest and smartest school in the county. We are trying to be heard by the board before we protest and rally.

    Johnathan Gore said:
    I'm sorry to hear about your situation. There are a lot of things that aren't mentioned that probably are weighing heavier than the background check. 1. Who is the certified band instructor for that school? This is a fight your BD and parents should be fighting. Is your BD certified or a long term sub?? That questions answersmy other questions about funding allocations, blah, blah. 2. IF the BD is a certified teacher THEN, how many students are actually registered in a band class to warrant having a band program. In most districts, in most states, the BD is actually hired to teach the band classes (during the day), marching band is extra-curricular and offers supplements....but it's just that, supplemental to the teaching contract. 3. Is the marching band (as an extra-curricular activity) under the athletic department or fine arts dept? Once you get answers/suggestions to these questions, then you go before the principal and school board...WITH YOUR PARENTS!!! I can't stress that last part enough. I hope that helps, I'll be cheering for you all
    The principal at Aliceville High School has canceled our band program because of a back ground check. All other athletic departments are still in tac…
  • Well like I said earlier, the band parents should really be on top of this. The fact that you all have a temporary BD has A LOT to do probably with what's going on. NCLB (No Child Left Behind) has really tied administrators hands of what they can and can't do. I hate to say this, but I do it to help little bruh....high school students have no real effective voice regarding policy and funding formulas. Your protests, and petitions will be great sign of solidarity....but ineffective. Make sure there are several parents on board with this as well. You know why the athletics get what they want?? because those parents probably ask for it. plain and simple.

    One more thing....when you all go before the board and administrators, while stating your case leave personal opinions out and only stick to the facts. I find it very hard to believe that superintendent doesn't "like" yall. It's not a matter of "like" or "dislike". Keep that in mind, and the discourse remains civil and the solutions are productive. In the meantime.....TALK TO THE PARENTS!!!!!
  • they can't keep you out of board meetings ...all black folks should know the law

    Jordan said:
    Our bd from last year had to leave because he didn't have what he needed to teach in the state of Alabama. So we have a temp bd. He is also fighting with us to keep the program afloat. They won't let us students in on the meeting at all. We are starting a petition soon. Right now us students are thinking of ways to get our voices heard. Our superintendent doesn't really care for our school that much. Even though we are the biggest and smartest school in the county. We are trying to be heard by the board before we protest and rally.

    Johnathan Gore said:
    I'm sorry to hear about your situation. There are a lot of things that aren't mentioned that probably are weighing heavier than the background check. 1. Who is the certified band instructor for that school? This is a fight your BD and parents should be fighting. Is your BD certified or a long term sub?? That questions answersmy other questions about funding allocations, blah, blah. 2. IF the BD is a certified teacher THEN, how many students are actually registered in a band class to warrant having a band program. In most districts, in most states, the BD is actually hired to teach the band classes (during the day), marching band is extra-curricular and offers supplements....but it's just that, supplemental to the teaching contract. 3. Is the marching band (as an extra-curricular activity) under the athletic department or fine arts dept? Once you get answers/suggestions to these questions, then you go before the principal and school board...WITH YOUR PARENTS!!! I can't stress that last part enough. I hope that helps, I'll be cheering for you all
    The principal at Aliceville High School has canceled our band program because of a back ground check. All other athletic departments are still in tac…
  • realtalk bruh all you need is parental support and the support of the community.if you have these two your program will be back in a heartbeat.students alone will not win your program back unless you have the support of the entire student body.but i say get community support and u have it made
  • We now have a petition started and we have 200+ signatures so far. Our band boosters and parents ans US STUDENTS will be at the PTSO meeting on Thursday Aug. 20th, 2009. The speaker will be our superintendent of schools. So hopefully we will accomplish something on Thursday.
  • i think it wrong i'm with u Jordan THE SOUL OF BLUE AND GOLD away stay together
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