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A national education magazine ranks Southern among the top 10producers in the nation of African-Americans with undergraduate degrees
in engineering and in all disciplines combined.

Southern University is the sixth highest producer ofAfrican-Americans with undergraduate degrees in engineering in the
country, according to a new report by a national education magazine.

The magazine also found that when all of the education disciplines it surveyed are combined, Southern is the ninth highest producer of African-Americans with bachelor degrees in the

In the area of engineering, the report said Southern awarded 58 undergraduate degrees to African-American students in engineeringduring 2008-2009, placing Southern in sixth place. That number placed
Southern ahead of schools such as Florida A&M University, Howard
University, Michigan State University, Jackson State University and

HBCUs, such as Southern, were five of the top six producers of African-Americans with baccalaureates in engineering.

The report lists the standings of schools that are graduating African-Americans in a number of disciplines, such as social sciences, history, business management, marketing and related support
services, education and others. When all of the disciplines are
combined, Southern graduated 852 African-American students during the
2008-2009 year, placing the university in 9th place among all schools
in the nation, according to the survey.

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  • Good isht J

    Come to SU and be apart of the best band and and get a gr8 education!
  • i guess we still aren't accredited...smh

    Jaren said:

    Come to SU and be apart of the best band and and get a gr8 education!
    To ANYONE who has tried to downgrade academics @ good ole Southern University
    read full article here[cat]=8&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=624&tx_ttnews[backPi…
  • u left out the part when they got in trouble for selling degrees.
  • SU has always had a good engineering program this is nothing new.
  • lol.. The comments from non SU students or graduates are funny when it comes to stuff like this....
    ALL of them..
  • LOL he put JSU in bold print.

    Notice JSU is higher ranked than SU.... AGAIN.... Can SU do anything better than JSU?
  • Seeing how GSU President got in trouble for money laundering you'd think someone from Grambling would think before they opened their mouth with a statement like that. Pot and the Kettle Bruh

    g-nike said:
    u left out the part when they got in trouble for selling degrees.
    To ANYONE who has tried to downgrade academics @ good ole Southern University
    read full article here[cat]=8&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=624&tx_ttnews[backPi…
  • Do your research and stop the lies. No money laundering. Now if you are referring to the illegal stock that a third party of GSU's financial advisers performed that actually happened in 2002 but just coming out weeks ago i would agree with your statement. That's why NEW GSU President Dr. Pogue has got someone from outside to state of louisiana to check into the finances to see what's up because Louisiana's State Auditors are foul lol. how in the hell can something that happened in 2002 just be coming out now? Now Greg was out of line when he brought up SU's past about the purchasing of degrees, he is not lying he's just out of line. Like i said SU has always had a good engineering dept. I'm not surprise at the article so it's nothing new to me. It seems it's new information to the more current and recent SU peeps than anything. By they way does SU and JSU live for each other? Yall will have a competition on how many restrooms are in each school. This is scary infatuation between the two. LMAO. Big ups SU for your. engineering program. J Baines know your facts first before you report something.

    J.Baines said:
    Seeing how GSU President got in trouble for money laundering you'd think someone from Grambling would think before they opened their mouth with a statement like that. Pot and the Kettle Bruh
    g-nike said:
    u left out the part when they got in trouble for selling degrees.
    To ANYONE who has tried to downgrade academics @ good ole Southern University
    read full article here[cat]=8&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=624&tx_ttnews[backPi…
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